The last three days we were crazy busy getting ready for the Vancouver Christmas Market. Setting up an all new booth is not as easy as it seems, but we made it in time! Thanks to the entire team for the great effort and overtime to make it all happen! Thanks to Henning, Stephanie, Nina and Elisa!!!
Here you can see a sneak peak how our booth looks like, tomorrow morning we will polish it up and then we are good to go for the grand opening!
The entire team is very excited for the market to open in a few hours!
One Comment For This Post
November 24, 2012 at 5:12 pm
Herzliche Glückwünsche und großes Daumendrücken für euer Gelingen auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt.
Die Internetseite ist gut gelungen. Haben schon einen ersten Vorgeschmack und Eindrücke vom Weihnachtsmarkt bekommen.
Liebe Grüsse an euch und euer Team
von Manu&Peter